This year the sales turnover outside the US even has outgrown the US sales turnover. APICS puts, besides the annual international conference and exhibition, a lot of emphasis on networking (more then 46,000 members and 2,000 active volunteers) and education and training. The three, highly recognized, certification program’s are CPIM, CSCP and CLTD.
The American industry has been under a lot of pressure in the early 1970’s. Companies discovered how education could help to increase productivity, and keep the costs limited. Based on this insight the CPIM (Certified in Production and Inventory Management) program was launched. The CPIM program has been accepted quickly, and internationally, as a mean to deal with the challenges in the world economy. During it’s life time the program has undergone several major updates to keep the program aligned with the developments in the industry, and for 2018 a new one is being planned. Until today the program is building the knowledge that industries need. Worldwide more then 100,000 people have been certified in this internationally highly recognized program.
The CSCP-program (Certified Supply Chain Professional) has been launched in 2006. The education was the answer to deal with supply chain challenges like longer supply chains, shorter product life cycles, increased global competition, and increased possibilities of information technology. In the past 10-years the CSCP-program has become the internationally most recognized education for supply chain management with more then 20,000 certified people.
During the summer of 2016 the new CLTD-program (Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution) was introduced. The program has been received very enthusiastically by the experts from the logistics field. The results from the first exams will be published in January 2017. From the beginning of 2017 the CLTD-program will be scheduled by the channel partners, like and Verwoerd Consult as well. The course is available in the Netherlands from 13 – 17 February and in Copenhagen from 13 – 17 March.
In the picture “Which education for whom?” you will find your preliminary choice. Do you want to know more? Send me an email for advise.
APICS and Verwoerd Consult: more then 25 years in a close relationship
25 years ago, on 1 January 1992, Wout Verwoerd started his own education and consultancy firm. Wout got in touch with APICS CPIM while implementing Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in the mid 1980’s and was impressed by the power of the education program. From 1988 – 1992 Wout was responsible for Logistics Education within DEC, with a lot of emphasis on the APICS education. Since early 1992 Wout Verwoerd is successful as trainer in the Netherlands and multiple European countries, amongst others Denmark.
More information? wout@verwoerd.nll
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