The APICS CPIM program

Companies that support their employees’ pursuit of the APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) designation gain employees who are prepared, knowledgeable, and able to contribute to a successful bottom line. Encourage your employees to earn the APICS CPIM designation. The program takes an in-depth look at the production and inventory activities within the internal operations of a company, and provides a comprehensive view of materials management.

The APICS CPIM advantage

With an APICS CPIM designation, your employees will have:

  • Proven knowledge and organizational skills to strategically streamline your operations.
  • Tools to effectively manage your global supply chain activities
  • Ability to interact with existing resources and your ERP systems to increase efficiency and productivity
  • Knowledge of industry best practices and how to effectively apply them to your organization.


APICS CPIM Exam Details
APICS CPIM designees successfully pass five exams that address the following course modules:

  • Basics of Supply Chain Management
Gain efficiency throughout your organization by applying basic concepts in managing materials in the supply chain.
  • Master Planning of Resources
Understand sales and operations plans and assess internal and external demand.
  • Detailed Scheduling and Planning
Implement techniques of materials management and capacity scheduling.
  • Execution and Control of Operations
Improve performance by learning how to prioritize work, execute plans, implement controls, report results and provide feedback.
  • Strategic Management of Resources
Investigate how to align processes and resources with the strategic plan to implement change.

Interested in how to increase the knowledge of your workforce? Or: Interested in How APICS CPIM certification can improve your life time employability? organizes on 4 November 2015 a Go Home Meeting with Wout Verwoerd, APICS master instructor CPIM and CSCP. He will be available to answer all your questions about the APICS CPIM program.

APICS CSCP – giver de andre baghjul

Supply Chain er strategisk

Supply Chain er ikke længere maskinrumstænkningen. Supply Chain rykker stadig højere op på den strategiske agenda, og i takt hermed er antallet af Certified Supply Chain Professionals (CSCP) uddannede gået i vejret på globalt plan. Industrien har taget CSCP til sig, og ved udgangen af 2014 var tallet 36.000 kandidater fra 82 lande, hvoraf 26.000 har taget en APICS eksamen. Europa er også med på vognen med en femtedel af alle kandidater er hjemmehørende, og heriblandt også i Norden. Der er ingen tilsvarende læringssystemer om Supply Chain, der kan matche dette.

Supply Chain kompetencer efterspørges

At det er relevant at tage en CSCP for en europæisk medarbejder også fra det kolde nord, er helt i tråd med den fortsat stigende internationalisering. Dygtige Supply Chain arkitekter er en mangelvare i industrien, og mange store virksomheder er yderst afhængig af, at der er adgang til de rette kompetencer – både regionalt og globalt.
Derfor inviterer til et informati0nsmøde, hvor du kan få mere at vide om selve kursusindholdet, og hvad der skal lægges af ressourcer undervejs mod certificeringen, og hvilke udbytte andre har haft. Mødet ledes af den danske CSCP instruktør Peter Bøttcher, og du vil få lejlighed til at møde en dansk CSCP’er.

Dato & sted for CPIM informationsmøde

Dato: Den 4. november
Sted: København

Dato & sted for CSCP informationsmøde

Dato: Den 11. november
Sted: København
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